A cooperation agreement was signed between the Hungarian Cluster Association and Óbuda University and the University’s Science and Innovation Parks 20 June 2023 in Budapest.

The main objective of the cooperation is to coordinate the cooperation between the Hungarian small and medium-sized enterprises behind the members of the Hungarian Cluster Community and the University of Óbuda and the University’s Science and Innovation Parks, to promote and maintain the development of partnerships between enterprises, which the parties intend to achieve in a coordinated manner by providing and developing activities and services based on solid professional and scientific foundations, while at the same time researching the directions of innovative development and improvement.

A further objective is to increase the national and international recognition of the national cluster ecosystem and the university ecosystem, and to develop a successful and effective collaborative partnership of common interests.

The mission of the parties is to develop a partnership of mutual benefit, focusing on the strengths of the university and cluster ecosystems, building professional relationships and establishing educational and research and development collaborations with a national and international focus.

The parties have an interest in developing high added value products and services that respond to real market needs and challenges, which can only be achieved through the cooperation of university knowledge transfer science innovation parks and clustered enterprises, taking into account the innovation potential (in terms of patent and other protection) and the economic potential (in terms of future economic exploitation) already at the stage of joint project development.

It can be stated that the cooperation agreement signed with the University of Óbuda creates a basis for promoting innovation, economic growth and sustainable development, as well as strengthening regional and international competitiveness.

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