Ismerje meg Klaszerünket
Ismerje meg klaszterünket
Orci dapibus ultrices in iaculis. Commodo odio aenean sed adipiscing diam donec. Eros in cursus turpis massa tincidunt.
iFood Cluster
Key indicators (2022)
Year of foundation
Income of members (million €)
Number of members
Export rate %
SME rate %
Number of employees

Accredited cluster title
New brand design

Inter-cluster cooperation
Klaszter Expo Start

Our members said about us at the opening meeting in 2022
- Organising professional community, generation of cooperation within the cluster
- Organising professional presentations, events, workshops,
- Sharing experiences, increasing the number of successfully adopted good practices,
- Increasing the proportion of members participating in joint projects,
- Establishing and using open and value-added communication for members,
- Enhancing innovation performance, speeding up technology transfer, increasing the efficiency of existing collaborations,
- Defining the development activities of key players at the national and international level, generating, preparing and implementing possible joint cooperation projects and actions,
- Representation of the membership at professional events, exhibitions,
- Development of services representing the interests and values of the members,
- Support for joint purchases.
- Encouraging the increase of business traffic between members.
- Participation in joint tenders for the purposes of the cluster
- Organising community programs and participation in community events useful for members, which helps to build and deepen trust between members and develop collaborations
- Lobby activity: organization of programs with the responsible managers, with the participation of decision-makers
- Communication activity: contact with the press, creation and operation of a website and social media site